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Experienced Oneness Meditation Guide

Hi Dear One, my name is Jewelli and I’m passionate about helping adventurous souls like you, to remember who you really are. So you can break through limiting beliefs and rise to your purpose in much greater ways.

I'm here to create a space of exquisite safety, for you to let go into the most potent medicine experience of your life. After all these years, I'm still in awe of the rapid transformation that oneness meditation can catalyze - to cleanse, heal, and pave new pathways for your future.



People call me The Cosmic Doula, because I’ll gently and lovingly support you in rebirthing yourself into wholeness. I’m devoted to crafting a ceremonial space of deep reverence, as I know how important it is for you to relax into feeling fully cared for. It’s essential to have a heart-centred masterful guide, who leads with integrity, and creates a sacred space of the highest calibre for this profound rite of passage.

Choosing the right guide for your journey is a huge decision, much like choosing who’ll be there at the time of your birth. Such great vulnerability is felt and great trust is needed to rebirth yourself into a new state of being. You deserve an emotionally present and sensitive guide, who’ll create a space of holding for you to move beyond everything you've perceived yourself to be. So you can surrender all the way into all-that-is.


Over the past 34 years, I’ve helped thousands of people have rich and meaningful oneness journeys. It’s not just about the peak state, though. Proper preparation leads to excellent integration. So those I work with design personal practices to embody and carry forth real change in their lives. Allowing them to keep melting their hearts open in everyday life  - with family, friends, career and community.

I believe the world needs more presence, and I'm here as your loving guide to support a deeper awakening to your true self, beyond anything you could imagine. This life is so short and precious, so let’s make the most of our time. I invite you into the sacred space of Oneness, to become a better version of you, so you can better serve the world.

in love,
in service,
in oneness,




Jewelli is a wise, intelligent, joyful and loving being.
And a superb guide - attentive, respectful, patient, supportive and skillful.

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